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Showing posts from July, 2021

Redefining God

I am a Christian but not in the traditional understanding of the word. I am a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ. The ways that my thoughts differ from traditional Christianity are many but the most significant deviation is my understanding of God. This blog post is an explanation of my view of God not because I am interested in converting people to my views, because I am not. I am concerned about people not fully understanding my perspective as I continue to write and share commentary on biblical themes.   I want to be transparent as possible as I share my thoughts on practical or dare I say secular Christianity. The intent is not to deceive any of my readers so I am explaining in this post how I understand God. In Part 3 I redefined my relationship with God as a covenant relationship in which God agrees to provide guidance for life, in this post I explore the entity with whom that agreement is made. The Ask “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock,...

Part 3: Redefining my Relationship with God. - The Story of my Deconversion, Deprogramming, Reconversion and Awakening -

    How  would you describe the relationship you have with God? Is God your benevolent father, a cosmic sovereign, or your eternal judge? Is God distant and unknowable or intimate and personal to you? If you are like me the question can not be answered in a simple sentence.   The relationship isn’t complicated but it is difficult to explain. Nevertheless I will try and do so in this part 3 of my blog series on my de-conversion, deprogramming, reconversion and awakening.      For the majority of my life I had a very particular view of how God, in the Christian context, relates to humanity.   What I mean by this is that I had a very particular notion of God’s personality and attributes. I personified God as a man who created everything and had a very particular way that he desired things to be done. He communicated his will to His creation through his prophets after sin put a wedge between God and humanity. The story goes that a wedge was created wh...